There are many industry resources available in geotechnical engineering which offer a variety of support on construction topics. Listed below are a few of the resources.

AASHTO – American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
AASHTO represents all things transportation related, from cars, bridges, pedestrian trails, runways and waterways. The main focus of AASHTO is to develop and maintain a vast national transportation system. AASHTO offers design assistance, testing methods and transportation updates to allow designers to maintain current knowledge of transportation systems.

AASHTO: re:source
The primary vision of AASHTO re:source is to be the center for promoting quality and achievement of excellence in construction materials testing (CMT). They offer services such as the Laboratory Assessment Program (LAP), the Proficiency Sample Program (PSP), and the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). Through these activities, AASHTO certified testing competency, promotes continuing education, and ensures accurate testing and reporting in the laboratories and specifiers who use the programs.

ACI – American Concrete Institute
ACI offers numerous certifications, training programs, workbooks, free online learning presentations, and technical resources specifically designed for concrete contractors, engineers, and apprentice tradesmen.

CCRL – ASTM Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL)
CCRL is a certification program to evaluate a laboratory’s processes, methods and testing procedures for all concrete construction materials.. Through its Laboratory Inspection and Proficiency Sample Programs, CCRL offers guidance, and instructions on utilizing ASTM standards in a professional setting.

US Corp of Engineers
The US Corp of Engineers oversees recreation, emergency operations, flood mitigation efforts, civil engineering and water resources protection. The Corp of Engineers relies on civilian contractors to carry out the necessary tasks of constructing, maintaining and evaluating the Nations resources, with a focus on public safety.

ASTM – American Standard Testing Materials
ASTM Is recognized globally as a leader in development and integration of voluntary consensus standards. These test methods help to improve production quality of materials, ranging from metal, petroleum, consumer products, construction materials, and more. ASTM also offers certification courses with technical training programs for the standardized test methods.

IDOT – Iowa Department of Transportation
The IDOT offers technical training programs needed to provide certified personnel on IDOT construction jobs. This level of certification allows the technician to be well versed in DOT test methods and procedures, in addition to project management and design resources.

NICET – National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies
NICET is the Global leader in providing recognition of qualified technology professionals who reliably apply engineering principles and practices for the benefit and safety of the public. Since the Institute was founded in 1961, more than 148,000 technicians and technologists have met NICET’s rigorous certification criteria, and the number grows rapidly as more employers and local and state governments rely on NICET certification to measure the qualifications of their workforce.